
What are the after effects of a stroke
What are the after effects of a stroke

what are the after effects of a stroke

Many disabilities resulting from stroke improve with time. After a stroke, behavior depends on where and how badly the brain is injured. Stroke survivors may also feel anxiety, anger or depression. Injury from a stroke may make a person forgetful, careless, irritable or confused. In addition to physical changes and complications, people often experience emotional and behavioral changes.

  • brain edema - swelling of the brain after a stroke.
  • deep venous thrombosis - blood clots form in veins of the legs because of immobility from stroke.
  • visual defirecit - decreased field of vision and trouble with visual perception or loss of vision.
  • dysphagia - trouble swallowing which can lead to breathing problems and pneumonia if not treated.
  • aphasia - difficulty getting your words out or understanding what is being said.
  • what are the after effects of a stroke

    hemiplegia - paralysis on one side of the body.hemiparesis - weakness on one side of the body.Some of the physical effects and complications of a stroke can include: This means that all complications must be treated and under control before rehabilitation can begin. Your doctor's highest priorities after a stroke are to prevent complications from the present stroke and to prevent another stroke. Your brain controls how you move, feel, think and act and a brain injury from a stroke may affect some of these abilities. The speed and level of your recovery depends on the extent of brain tissue affected and your ability to respond to rehabilitation. In most cases, symptoms do improve after a stroke.

    What are the after effects of a stroke